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Hands On with the Nikon D300

Competition is at a record high in the mid-level digital SLR category and Nikon has staked its claim with its D300. At $1,800 (body only), the D300 is one of the more expensive prosumer models on the market but its advanced features, above average image quality, strong low-light capabilities and speedy autofocus performance can certainly justify the extra dollars, especially if your bank account is flush and you’re looking for a D3/D300 back-up combination.

It has been a while since there’s been a really heated (or justified) Nikon versus Canon debate but the D300 – and, more likely, the D3 – has re-ignited the competitive flames. Despite loyalties to one brand or the other, the D300/D3 one-two punch is definitely food for thought regardless of which side of the fence you’re on.

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