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The Alpha 300 is a 10.2 megapixel camera and incorporates Sony’s Bionz image-processing engine. The Alpha 300K is the entry level version of the camera and it comes with a SAL-1870 DT 18-70mm (27 - 105 35mm eq) f3.5 Zoom lens and will cost $799 (approx Rs. 31,470). While the Alpha 300X model comes with two lenses: the SAL-1870, and the SAL-55200 DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 Telephoto Zoom Lens.

The Alpha 300 range of cameras features ISO 3200, sensor-shifting image stabilizer, a tilting 2.7-inch LCD display and a pop-up flash. Moreover the camera also possesses two levels of anti-dust protection for the CCD.

Sony claims that Alpha 300’s screen never blinks off in burst mode. The camera is expected to be available in the market from April 2008.

As the Alpha 350 is the advanced version of the Alpha 300, it includes most of the features present in the Alpha 300. However, it boasts resolution up to 14.2 megapixels.

The body-only version of the Alpha 350 will be available in the US market for $799 (approx Rs. 31,470), while Alpha 350K model will come with SAL-1870 zoom lens at $899 (around Rs. 35,410). The Alpha 350X will include SAL-1870 and the SAL-55200 telephoto zoom lenses and is expected to ship from March 2008.

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